Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hello World!

The idea of creating a blog is something I never really considered. I realized that sitting back and living my 9 to 5 work life has left me uninspired, unmotivated and really unhappy. My employer likes to run things the way that made the business successful, which is understandable, except the way they run things is like going back to the future (early 1980s), we still use 15" CRT monitors, Green & White dot matrix printer & paper, DOS based programs and make triplicate copies of pretty much everything we do . We are consistently told we need to save money yet every single idea my fellow coworkers and I come up with gets turned down. I believe this is what happens to big businesses when there is never any new blood brought in, they are afraid of change and the idea that some young inspired employee might have an idea on how to do something smarter, faster, cheaper and someone may find they are replaceable. So instead they turn us into robots (my number is 5996), Everyday is Exactly the Same.

I have long admired my wife for being a small business owner and making it thrive, even when the economy turned bad. When I think of her and what she has been able to accomplish, I have the exact opposite feeling of how my job makes me feel, I am inspired. I am hoping I can use that and create something special, intriguing and a little different.

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