Friday, April 6, 2012

CrossFit Uncensored - My Journey Day 2

So today I headed over to CrossFit Uncensored for my first official class of CrossFit (this is my 2nd full class but now I am foundation approved). I knew talking to the guys and girls on Thursday that today's class was going to be a tiring one. The class was pretty much a cardio intensive class and what way to start off your CrossFit journey than to see how out of shape you really are, LOL. So the class was setup of a warm up jog (my least favorite thing to do is just pure running) then we followed my a nice stretch routine. After the stretching we had some fun, played a game of musical medicine balls (think musical chairs). We walked, bear crawled, crab walked, skipped etc... all the way down to the winner. It was fun to do something unique like this but we all got a pretty decent little workout from it.

Now for today's class, it was called Tabata This: Row, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up and Sit-ups. The way it works is you have 8 rounds per station of the five things I just listed. You go as hard and as fast as you can for 20 seconds per round, you rest for 10 seconds in between rounds and then 1 minute while changing stations. So when it's all said and done your workout (actual time working not the rest periods) is 13 minutes and 33 to 34 seconds. Now this does not sound like it's hard but this is really 25 minutes of pure busting your ass as hard as your body will allow you too. When we were done my arms completely felt like jelly, I could barely lift them, I was dead tired. To score this workout you take your lowest score from each round and add the score from each workout together. I am sad to say I scored the lowest in my class but hey I'm new and cardio is not my strength and that's what I want to build more than anything else in my journey.

The funniest thing about this is, when we were done I couldn't help but think how much I wanted it to be Saturday morning already. I still can't feel my arms and I did my workout at 1:00PM today, so 10+ hours later they still are numb. I completely understand why friends of mine who have been doing this for the past weeks to years are in love with this program. I'm hooked and I just wish I would have heard about the CrossFit Box (gym) I'm going to earlier as they opened several months ago. I can't thank my friend Christy enough for telling me about it, her excitement about it sold me on giving this a go.

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